Eric Carle With Toddlers

We all know and love many Eric Carle classics, including “Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?” and “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” But he has written and illustrated many more books that are perfect for Toddlers and Preschoolers. Here are some books that the Orange Room is using to immerse the children in the rich art and stories of Eric Carle.

10 Little Rubber Ducks
The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?
From Head to Toe
Have You Seen My Cat?
Little Cloud
The Mixed-Up Chameleon
Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?

Pancakes, Pancakes
Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
The Very Busy Spider


The Purple Room has been learning about weather! Every day at Morning Meeting we check the weather by looking outside. We then figure out how what we will need to do in order to dress appropriately for the weather. Students enjoy dressing our classroom bear, affectionately named Barry, for the weather each day. They determine if Barry needs a hat, rain boots, shorts, mittens, snow pants, a light jacket or parka! We extend our learning about the weather by focusing our curriculum and stories around the topic. Here are stories we have read:

Bear in Sunshine by Stella Blackstone
It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw
Little Cloud by Eric Carle
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
Storms by Susan Cañizares
Wind by Susan Cañizares


Happy Chanukah from the Red Room! This holiday, also known as the Festival of Lights, has so many themes to explore such as light, family, mitzvot, traditions, and symbols. Students enjoy learning about these topics with our Judaic Coordinator Morah Iryna, through reading stories, as well as hands-on experiences presented during our indoor exploration activities. Snuggle up and enjoy reading a few of these books with your child(ren)!

We recommend these Chanukah books:

Hanukkah! by Roni Schotter
Hoppy Hanukkah! by Linda Glaser
Latke, The Lucky Dog by Ellen Fischer
The Runaway Latkes by Leslie Kimmelman
Hanukkah: A Counting Book by Emily Sper
Latkes, Latkes Good to Eat by Naomi Howland
Mrs. Greenberg’s Messy Hanukkah by Linda Glaser
Sammy Spider’s First Hanukkah by Sylvia A. Rouss
How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah? by Jane Yolen


During the month of November, the toddlers in the Yellow Room were inspired by all of the different farms in Massachusetts! These farms are visited year round to pick different fruit and vegetables. As such, we explored animals at a farm, as well as the products that may be sold at a farm, or farmer’s market. There are so many amazing books that help toddlers learn animal names and sounds, as well as introduce the idea of being thankful for what a farm can provide us! Happy reading!

-The Cow That Went Oink by Bernard Most

-Peek-A-Moo by Marie Torres Cimarusti

-Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown

-The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle

-Thank You Farm: A Board Book Illustrated by Jane Orlando

-The Little Red Hen by Lesley Sims

-Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle

-Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin

Simchat Torah

Morah Iryna loves sharing stories with children. Here are her recommendations for books about the Torah, which she uses to celebrate Simchat Torah.

Children love stories! Grown ups love stories! Beginning on the holiday of Simchat Torah, meaning “The Joy of the Torah,” the FJECC students will be “traveling” through the stories of the Torah. I cannot wait to take them on this journey to learn, discover, wonder and make connections to the tales of long ago. There are many wonderful Jewish stories which are inspired by the characters and events in the Torah. Many of which are directly linked to Jewish traditions, celebrations and values. I hope you enjoy reading them with your children! 

10 Great Jewish Children’s Stories, by Chaya Burstein
A Journey to Paradise and Other Jewish Tales, retold by Howard Schwartz
Does God Have a Big Toe? by Marc Gellman
Seven Animal Stories for Children, retold by Howard Bogot and Mary Bogot
Seven Animals Wag Their Tales, retold by Howard Bogot and Mary Bogot
Seven Delightful Stories for Every Day, retold by Dov Peretz Elkins
Ten Classic Jewish Children’s Stories, retold by Peninnah Schram

For more information on celebrating Simchat Torah with young children, visit PJ Library!


“We must teach our children to smell the earth, to taste the rain, to touch the wind, to see things grow, to see the sun rise and night fall- to care.”- John Cleal

Whether it’s a walk along the ocean on a sandy beach, meandering through the city on a rainy day, or dodging roots and rocks while running along tree lined trails, the Blue Room teachers find peace and connection in natural environments.  This connection carries over to their commitment to being outside with the children as much as possible, encouraging their curiosity and wonder of the world around them.  A perfect way to build upon children’s growing literacy skills, love for books, and expose them to the beauty in nature that they may not often find in an urban area is through the list of books the Blue Room team have deemed as their personal  favorites.  Some have unique illustrations than can inspire children’s imaginations using the natural materials of sticks and leaves, some have whimsical characters whose questions and thoughts on trees, clouds, rain, etc. make young readers laugh out loud, and some share facts about creatures which is always a big hit with learners, young and old alike.  The Blue Room hopes you will enjoy these books as much as they enjoy sharing them with the children they teach.  

Butterflies Are Pretty…Gross by Rosemary Mosco and Jacob Souva
The Dead Bird by Margaret Wise Brown
If You Find a Leaf  by Aimee Sicuro
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert
Not a Stick by Antoinette Portis
Partly Cloudy by Deorah Freedman
Rain by Linda Ashman and Christian Robinson
Snowballs by Lois Ehlert
Stella- Fairy of the Forest by Marie Louise Gay
Stella- Princess of the Sky by Marie Louise Gay
Stella- Queen of the Snow by Marie Louise Gay
What’s Inside a Flower (and Other Questions About Science & Nature) by Rachel Ignotofsky
What Matters by Alison Hughes and Holly Hatam


While your children are hopping in the water and jumping through the warm summer months, have fun reading about frogs!  These frog stories will capture your children's imaginations, teach them about frogs and be a perfect read for a relaxing summer day.

Explore My World, Frogs by Marfe Ferguson Delano 
Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel
Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London
Hop, Jump By Eileen Walsh
How Does a Tadpole Grow (World of Eric Carle Book)
It's Mine by Leo Lionni
Little Green Frog Lift the Flap Book by Ginger Swift 
Pokko and the Drum by Matthew Forsythe
Rain! by Linda Ashman

From Caterpillar To Butterfly

As the Purple Room children enjoyed observing the process of our caterpillars turning into butterflies we used it as a perfect opportunity to incorporate some literacy based activities. After reading “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle, the children became more familiar with the story. We added the felt board story pieces to our library area where they were able to retell the story both individually and with peers. This proved to be a great way to build on the children’s budding early literacy skills and assist in providing them with the ability to “read” independently!

As we waited for each caterpillars to emerge from their chrysalis we read “The Very Impatient Caterpillar” which was both a funny and clever way for the children to learn how long the process takes. As well we learned a “new to us word” which was “impatient.” Many of the children were able to relate to what it feels like to be impatient and some even shared a time when it was hard for them to wait! We then enjoyed reading the sequel which was “The Little Butterfly That Could.” This story was also a humorous tale and taught us a bit about courage and perseverance. These stories became so well loved in the Purple Room that the children asked to read them again! Being longer stories, their ability to sustain engagement during group time grew and grew. There was also an interactive element which gave the children an opportunity to help the teacher read the story and bring it to life!

On the day we released our butterflies, we read “Waiting For Wings” By Lois Elhert. This book incorporates poetry as it tells the story of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. It is an engaging tale of the butterfly’s journey as it ventures out looking for flowers where it can drink nectar to gain strength. After saying goodbye to our butterflies and watching them fly away, the children inquired if they were going to find a flower to land on. This was a lovely way for the whole process to come full circle.

Toddlers Explore Spring

Warm spring air isn't the only thing that Toddlers notice while playing outside this time of year. Suddenly the dirt that was covered with snow or hidden by decaying leaves has pink worms wiggling through. Bare, grey tree branches are bursting with colorful buds. We are hearing birds, seeing baby rabbits, and are growing more curious about the world around us.

Here are some books that the Orange Room uses to help the toddlers embrace springtime! 

Chirri and Chirra by Kaya Doi 
Have You Seen My Duckling by Nancy Tafuri
Inch By Inch by Leo Lionni
Mrs. Wishy Washy by Joy Cowley
One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root
Stick by Irene Dickson
Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson

Mo Willems...More Mo Willems...and Even More Mo Willems!


The Green Room began a study of Mo Willems by exploring the Elephant and Piggie series. These books immediately captivated the children’s interest not only because of the friendship between the two main characters, Gerald and Piggie, but also because Willems uses short and often repetitive words and phrases. The way in which these books are written empowers the children to read along or even begin to read on their own! These books also gave us the opportunity to introduce the idea of punctuation, speech and thought bubbles, as well as to notice the relationship between the way the font is styled and the tone of what the character is saying.  

By using these books we were able to explore important social-emotional themes through the lens of Gerald and Piggie’s friendship. Some of the topics that were discussed were what to do when a friend feels sad, how hard waiting can be, and including others in play. 

Following Elephant and Piggie, we read all of the books that have stemmed from Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! In these books we were introduced to new characters such as Pigeon, the bus driver, and Duckling. While reading we noticed many moral dilemmas, such as, should we let the pigeon drive the bus? Can pigeon skip the bath? Can the duckling have a cookie? Through group discussion the children weighed the pros and cons of each scenario.

We ended our Mo Willems unit by reading Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale, Knuffle Bunny Too, and Knuffle Bunny Free. The main character in these books is Trixie (based on Mo Willems’ daughter) and we follow her adventures. From losing her beloved stuffed animal at the laundromat, accidentally switching Knuffle Bunny with another child’s stuffed animal at preschool, and misplacing Knuffle Bunny on a plane trip to visit her grandparents, the children could easily relate to Trixie. These stories became some of our class favorites. For more Mo Willems, check out his website!

Community Helpers

Community Helpers are people that we see in everyday life. Toddlers in the Yellow Room explore different careers throughout the year, especially those that take care of us and help us in daily lives (doctors, firefighters, police officers, construction workers, mail people, supermarket cashiers, etc.) Whatever the job, there’s a great story to go along with it!

“Clotheslines Clues to Jobs People Do” by Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook
“Hello! Hometown Heroes” by Tony Armier
“Here Come the Helpers” by Leslie Kimmelman
“My Neighborhood” by Maddie Frost
“They’re Heroes Too: A Celebration of Community” by Pat Brisson
“Who Do You Want to be When You Grow up?” By Paula Faris
“Whose Hands Are These?” By Miranda Paul
“Whose Hat is This?” By Sharon Katz Cooper

Kindness + Caring in Purple

The Purple Room teachers are working on building kindness and caring for one another in our classroom community. We often discuss what types of things make us feel good as well as what we can do to make others feel good. Books are a great way to teach this lesson and broaden our class discussions about kindness. Here are the books we use to help teach this lesson!

I Am Love: A Book of Compassion - Susan Verde
In My Heart - Jo Witek
Namaste Is A Greeting - Suma Subramaniam
The Feel Good Book - Todd Parr
The Peace Book - Todd Parr

Tu B'Shevat + Wonderful Trees!

Tu B’Shevat, also known as “the birthday of the trees,” is Sarah’s favorite Jewish holiday! While it may be snowing in Boston, Tu B’Shevat marks the time of year when the almond trees in Israel begin to bloom, and is often seen as a day to appreciate trees and all that they do for us. Observance of Tu B’Shevat can be done in many ways, some of which include planting new trees and tree saplings, participating in a seder (similar to the ones we have during Passover, but eating fruits and nuts instead of matzo and charoset), and even just educating ourselves about trees and their importance to our world. 

Here are a few reasons why trees are important: they provide shelter and shade for both humans and animals, they offer nourishment through their production of fruits and nuts, they convert carbon dioxide to oxygen…the list goes on! Thank you for all you do for us, trees! Happy birthday!

Here are some of Sarah’s favorite books about how wonderful trees are for us and our world:

Do You Like Being a Tree? By Datia Ben Dor and Itay Bekin
Kate, Who Tamed the Wind by Liz Garton Scanlon and Lee White
Little Land by Diana Sudyka
The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
What Do You See When You Look at a Tree? By Emma Carlisle

Immersed in Autumn

The Yellow Room has been busy exploring our changing seasons over the past few weeks. The children have noticed so many color and weather changes, leaves, acorns and pinecones on the ground, and have loved exploring them in water and paint!

Immerse yourself in all things Fall with these books!

The Busy Little Squirrel by Nancy Tafuri
Dot & Jabber and the Great Acorn Mystery by Ellen Stoll Walsh
Fall Mixed Up by Bob Raczka
Leaf Jumpers by Carole Gerber
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert
Nuts to You! By Lois Ehlert
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert
Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson

Author Josh Funk ~ It's Not...

Fairy tales are such a classic part of children’s literature and exist in one form or another in most cultures around the world. Josh Funk has taken four classic fairy tales and altered them to be a part of the genre known as “fractured fairy tales.” Fractured fairy tales are ones that modify the original story to include a funny plot twist, alter how characters act/interact, and/or tell the story from another point of view. Josh Funk has the original characters not following the directions of the growingly exasperated narrator and changing their stories, resulting in hilarious dialogue and plot twists!  

The Blue Room feels this series provides a fresh take on fairy tale variations, explores the concepts of “narrator” and “character,” as well allows for children to compare and contrast with other versions of the same tale.  We often ask the children “what’s the same?”; “what’s different?” with books like these during “story time” or “small group work” to gain an understanding of their knowledge, build upon observational skills, and show that stories can be told in many different ways - empowering them to tell their own stories!

It’s Not Jack and the Beanstalk
It’s Not The Three Little Pigs
It’s Not Hansel & Gretel
It’s Not Little Red Riding Hood

Check out his website here:
He’ll be in South Hadley, MA on Saturday, and has some upcoming readings at bookstores around Massachusetts next year!


Back To School

Welcome (back) to FJECC! New beginnings and change can be challenging for anyone, including children. Whether it is a child’s first school experience, first day in a new classroom/grade level or first day at a new school, reading relatable children’s literature can assist with easing anxiety and facilitating easier transitions. Children can picture themselves as they read about characters who have been in their shoes. Reading books about beginnings/changes can also act as conversation starters, a way to preview a new situation and help answer questions that may arise. Find the books listed below at the library, bookstore or online and enjoy this time reading with your child!

A few of the Red Room’s favorite school themed books include:

The School Book by Todd Parr
The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg 
Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
Lola Goes to School by Anna McQuinn 
School’s First Day of School by Adam Rex
The Night Before Preschool by Amy Wummer
If You Take a Mouse to School by Laura Numeroff
Sammy Spider’s First Day of School by Sylvia Rouss
How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague


The Toddlers in the Yellow Room love dinosaurs, and their teachers do, too!

DINOSAURS!! Although they have been extinct for hundreds of years many people remain fascinated with these giant lizards and they have found themselves into the hearts of children! Whenever we teach the children about dinosaurs we end up learning so much from them especially the type of dinosaurs and the correct pronunciation. Below are some books that the children enjoy reading with their teachers!

Digging for Dinosaurs, Smithsonian Kids
Here We go Digging for Dinosaur Bones, Susan Lendroth
How Do Dinosaurs… (Collection), Jane Yolen
Roar! Roar! I’m a Dinosaur, Jo Lodge
Stegothesaurus, Bridget Heos
Triceratopposite, Bridget Heos
We Don’t Eat Our Classmates, Ryan T. Higgins

Saxton Freymann, Author & Illustrator

A note from Misty, FJECC Blue Room Teacher, on her love for the books by author & illustrator Saxton Freymann.

Saxton Freymann’s unique use of food sculpture and photography make for memorable, creative, and silly illustrations.  Coupled with short sentences of text or idioms, which often rhyme, Freymann’s books have been a favorite of Misty’s since she was first introduced to them in her Children’s Literature class in college.  She owns almost all of his books and highly recommends them all!

Fun fact: Freymann’s illustrations are reminiscent of those of Israeli author and illustrator- Hanoch Piven who visited FJECC this past month and inspired families, children, and educators to “look for the faces” in various found objects, just as Freymann does with his medium of produce!



Every year in the Green Room the students learn a bit about their big, beautiful backyard of Boston, Massachusetts. With so many students passionate about trains, the focus sometimes is on the MBTA and the different ways to use transportation in the city. Other times they may study the building of Temple Israel, visit the Swan Boats and read the story of Mr. & Mrs. Mallard in the Public Garden or visit kid-friendly institutions such as the New England Aquarium, The Museum of Fine Arts or Wheelock Family Theatre at Boston University.

Green Room students will even learn about the Great Molasses Flood of 1919 and the 1990 art theft from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, both in age-appropriate ways. Of course we always play Boston sports, as we learn about the Bruins, Celtics and Red Sox!

The emergent curriculum is enriched by our Music Specialist, Wayne Potash, who sings songs about Boston with us! Check out “Charlie on the M.T.A.” (begins at 2:25). Our favorite books about Boston, below, also support our learning.

ABC in Boston by Robin Segal
Boston by Deborah Kent
Boston Baby: A Local Baby Book by Shirley Vernick and Courtney La Fores
Bus Route to Boston by Maryann Cocca-Leffler
Catie Copley by Deborah Kovacs
Charlie on the M.T.A by Julia M. O'Brien-Merrill
Journey Around Boston From A to Z by Martha Day Zschock
Larry Gets Lost in Boston by John Skewes and Michael Mullin 
Larry Loves Boston by John Skewes and Michael Mullin 
Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña
Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
Red Sox ABC By Sage Stossel
You Can't Take A Balloon Into the Museum of Fine Arts by Jacqueline Preiss Weitzman