Our curriculum encourages children to learn through active involvement across disciplines. A hallmark of our approach is the use of exploration and inquiry to promote critical thinking.  We value play as this is the vehicle through which children consolidate their understanding of their world.

Secular Curriculum

Our curriculum is based on a philosophy that encourages children to make decisions for themselves whenever possible and appropriate. We cultivate experiences that provide opportunities for all aspects of growth and development. 

All areas of learning, including language arts, S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering and math), music, movement and art are integrated into the students' daily experience. The environment is organized around interest areas that support the learning process. Shared and cooperative learning are encouraged.  Children are free to learn by being free to work and play in a thoughtfully designed classroom full of rich and varied materials. 

Our classroom activities are both child and adult-initiated. Within their curriculum structure, teachers plan their activities based on the children's ideas that emerge while at play, as well as their developmental level, interest and needs. These of study relevant to the children are also introduced. Students participate in hands-on, real life activities such as digging in the earth, examining rocks, constructing with blocks and other materials, cooking, creating stories, and experimenting with musical instructions. Since young children are concrete learners, a plethora of multi-sensory experiences are planned.

Judaic Curriculum 

We seamlessly integrate Judaics into our daily routine and learning, establishing the building blocks of the children's Jewish identity and providing them with an awareness of their Jewish heritage. 

We celebrate Jewish holidays, welcome Shabbat into the classrooms on Fridays, engage the children in Torah study and integrate the Hebrew language into our daily routines. A highlight of our program is our weekly "Shabbat Sing", a festive and joyous all-school student and family gathering, each Friday morning. 

An important part of Jewish life is gemilut hasadeem or acts of loving kindness.  We emphasize Jewish values in our relationships and involve our students in tzedakah and social action activities throughout the year. Our Judaic Coordinator spends time in each classroom several times a week and is a resource for both our staff and our families. 

We respect and validate the traditions of each child and family, regardless of religious background.