Shabbat Sing

There are many reasons why Shabbat Sing is what it is - an FJECC tradition that has evolved and sustained itself for 28 years. As the Purple and Red Rooms gathered together with their grown-ups one morning in the Levi Auditorium, I was struck by a rather simple and eloquent image: Cantor Alicia led the group in a song and she invited everyone to think of something that made them feel happy. One child decided her expression was going to be in the form of a dance. She left her mother's lap, walked to the center of the gathering and waited for Cantor Alicia to play her guitar. And as she danced, many of the other children joined her. It was not a raucous jump-all-over-the-place kind of dance but a more thoughtful, expressive group movement. And it was purely joyful and sweet. I could not help but think to myself: this is why we gather. We, the FJECC staff, witness countless moments of grace and joy throughout a day with your children. As do you, outside of school. What we don't get to do is witness these moments together. When children play together they are messy and unpredictable and chaotic. And they are also authentic and spontaneous and without inhibition. The grace in the room that morning at Shabbat Sing was being together, witnessing children being children in the most simple and sincere state. 

Shabbat Shalom, 
